Our Journeys

Nowadays, we are encouraged us to have great vision for our church, businesses or communities for the kingdom of God. Although visions and goals are important, it does not just matter to God if we accomplish great things for his Kingdom, it also matters to God about the journey. In fact, we are destined to do great things, the journey is just a important as the destination. The steps of our journey are the simple things we need to do everyday in our lives to please God. These include living faithfully for our families at home, having integrity in our work places, or being light and salt within the wider community. Some of us also need to take steps to repair broken relationships with significant others or forgiving people who have wronged against us. Generally, should not be focused on accomplishing great things for the kingdom of God without taking care of the small steps.

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Holy Trinity, Wilnecote Church, Watling Street, Tamworth B77 2PH

Email: [email protected]

Sunday Service: 13:30 - 15:00

Affiliate partner - Church of God of Prophecy (UK)



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River of Life Church (Tamworth) Trading as River of Life Church is company limited by guarantee and registered in England registered Company Number: 13326508